· Enjoy the videos and music that you love, upload original content and share it all with friends, family and the world on YouTube. · It might be the very first thing a lot of people learn in JavaScript: · Safari is holding back the web. It is the new IE, after all. In contrast, Chrome is pushing the web forward so hard that it’s starting to break. Meanwhile web developers do nothing except moan and complain. The only thing... · A short while ago, Chrome broke the web by disabling alert(), confirm() and prompt() dialogs from... · I'm about two weeks into Rust now, so this feels like a good time to write a critique, before I get Stockholm Syndrome'd. My main motivation in learning Rust is that I have to maintain some of Dark's Rust code []. There was a recent · In May 2021 over 80,000 developers told us how they learn and level up, which tools they’re using, and what they want. · Tokio is a runtime for writing reliable asynchronous applications with Rust. It provides async I/O, networking, scheduling, timers, and more. · No matter what your age, you may, without realizing it, be enjoying the very last chapter of the relationships that matter most to you. Make it count. · GTA Online. Infamous for its slow loading times. Having picked up the game again to finish some of the newer heists I was shocked (/s) to discover that it still loads just as slow as the day it was re